2018 Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Center
Innovation Business of the Year
Growing and expanding into larger North American markets.
We set out at the beginning of 2018 to make as much noise as we could to attract attention to our Company and our innovative products. Wow, it seems to have worked. 2 industry leading awards and a feature segment on Canada's most popular television show Dragon's Den. We are, with our a doubt, very grateful and honored to except the Company of the Year Award. On behave of everyone here at STUFFF Lubricants Inc. we thank everyone that has been and still are involved with us. Especially our customers, without your help and support we wouldn't have a business. So, THANK YOU.
2018 Northern Ontario Business Awards
Innovation Award
Motivated by a desire to find an alternative to petroleum-based shop lubricants, Bill Betournay turned to a common kitchen ingredient to produce the right STUFFF: canola.
The vegetable oil is the main ingredient in his line of STUFFF Lubricants, which Betournay launched in 2016 and includes variants for workshops, cleaning guns and tools, dust control, and asphalt and ice release.
But this wasn’t innovation by design – Betournay actually hit on the idea by happenstance.
Looking to reduce the cost of heating his Richards Landing home on St. Joseph Island, east of Sault Ste. Marie, the self-described tinkerer had already come up with a formula for turning used canola oil into biodiesel fuel when he ran out of lubricant one night while tuning up his truck.
On a whim, he applied a little of the biodiesel fuel to a seized part and quickly realized just how well it worked to loosen everything up.
In doing his research, he discovered there weren’t any biolubricants on the market that used canola as a base. So he set about creating his own.
He has standing partnerships with area restaurants to collect their used fryer oil – which they would otherwise have to pay to dispose of – to source raw materials, which has the additional advantage of diverting waste from area landfills.
Continue the story here: http://www.noba.ca/2018/winners/innovation.aspx

2016 SSMARt Awards
Innovation Company Of The Year — STUFFF Lubricants Inc.
The 11th annual SSMARt Innovation Awards hosted by the Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre (SSMIC) took place on Wednesday, November 9, 2016. Held at Grand Gardens Downtown Sault Ste. Marie, the luncheon event honoured companies and influential individuals for their innovative contributions to the science and technology sectors of the Algoma District. Eight “Innovation of the Year” awards were awarded at the ceremony.
Founded by Bill and Viktoria Betournay of St. Joseph’s Island, STUFFF Lubricants Inc. manufactures non-toxic, environmentally-friendly lubricants and penetrants that are biodegradable, renewable and made from 100% recycled canola oil feedstock.
Since launching in 2014, STUFFF has been progressively growing – even securing a partnership with Home Hardware Canada, and is currently leading the bio-based lubricant market by offering products with applications that are suitable for the environment.